

Lets make changes



Do public sectors really need to outsource public services to the outsiders?

The emergence of the New Public Management (NPM) as a reaction to the drawbacks of the traditional bureaucratic model of public administration has changed the way public services are delivered from monopolistic forms to a more market-oriented system (Adam and... Continue Reading →

Should the victims of Indonesia’s Transboundary Haze Pollution compensate the polluter?

Transboundary haze pollution (THP) is a recurrent phenomenon and has become a long-standing environmental issue afflicting not only Indonesia as the main producer of the haze, but also the rest of the Southeast Asian countries. Although some causes have been... Continue Reading →

Performa Pemerintah Kabupaten Sumbawa dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah

  Grafik di atas mencoba untuk menunjukkan tren peraturan daerah di Kabupaten Sumbawa selama 10 tahun terakhir (2005-2015). Namun sebelum melakukan analisa terhadap grafik ini, konsep dan dasar hukum tentang pembentukan peraturan daerah perlu diperjelas. Di Indonesia pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan,... Continue Reading →

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